[Fwd: LF: SAQ transmission]

André Kesteloot akestelo@bellatlantic.net
Tue, 09 Jun 1998 10:30:26 -0400

C.TRAYNER wrote:

> Managed to hear the 17.2kHz Swedish transmissions in the morning and
> afternoon from urban Leeds. Copied little more than the callsign -
> due more to cloth ears than to bad condx, I think.
> One interesting observation was when they sent long 'dashes' of two
> or three seconds. There was a marked chirp, with the carrier drifting
> by (at a guess) a few hundred Hertz over a second as it settled down.
> Presumably I was hearing the generators slow slightly as they were
> loaded when the key went down.
> One correspondent descibed them as Andersson generators. A magazine
> article called them Alexanderson. Can anyone who knows shed any light
> on which is correct?
> It was quite a treat to hear them. One day maybe I'll get over to
> Sweden and see the museum ...
> 73,
> Chris Trayner G4OKW