AMRAD September Column for Auto-Call

Paul L. Rinaldo
Sat, 01 Aug 1998 18:21:04 -0400

Dear John,

Herewith is the AMRAD column for the September issue of Auto-Call:

(Usual masthead)

AMRAD will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, September 10 at
the Dolley Madison Branch Library, 1244 Oak Ridge Avenue, McLean, Virginia.
Bob Bruhns, WA3WDR, will give a Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
demonstration of extracting extremely weak signals from noise. 

At the Thursday, October 8 meeting we will have a guest speaker on the
subject: Experience Receivng Very Low Frequencies, i.e., below 30 kHz. 

The Thursday, November 12 meeting will revisit DSP, this time including
reception of a low frequency (LF) beacon. The November meeting will also be
the time to make nominations for two Directors for the years 1999-2000. The
incumbents are: Maitland Bottoms, AA4HS, and Terry Fox, WB4JFI. Elections
will be held at the Annual Meeting on Thursday, December 10.

As you can tell by the above technical topics that DSP and LF are the hot
topics for AMRADers in the Washington area. AMRAD has applied to the FCC
for a Part 5 experimental license on behalf of 12 AMRAD members to operate
on 136.75 kHz, which is within the CEPT harmonized LF band for Europe.
Andre Kesteloot, N4ICK, has been in almost daily touch with British and
other European amateurs and has shared the results of the European
experiments with othere AMRAD members. 

Paul Rinaldo, W4RI