ARLS011 New satellites get OSCAR designations

Paul L. Rinaldo
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 08:43:52 -0400


Some new birds.

73, Paul, W4RI

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>ARLS011 New satellites get OSCAR designations
>QST de W1AW
>Space Bulletin 011  ARLS011
>From ARRL Headquarters
>Newington, CT  August 21, 1998
>To all radio amateurs
>ARLS011 New satellites get OSCAR designations
>Amateurs radio*s two newest satellites, TMSAT-1 and TechSat-1B, are
>reported doing very well after a month in space. The two birds were
>launched jointly in late July from Russia*s Baikonur Cosmodrome.
>Neither satellite is yet ready for general use as they undergo
>initial loading of flight software.  Both satellites also have
>received OSCAR designations from AMSAT.  TMSAT has been dubbed
>TMSAT-OSCAR-31 (TO-31), while the Gurwin TechSat 1B will be known as
>Gurwin-OSCAR-32 (GO-32). The assignment of consecutive OSCAR numbers
>to new Amateur Radio spacecraft is a tradition that dates from the
>launch of the very first Amateur Radio Satellite-OSCAR 1. In order
>for an OSCAR number to be assigned, the satellite must successfully
>achieve orbit and one or more transmitters must be successfully
>activated in the Amateur Radio bands. Then, the builders/owners of
>the satellite must formally request that a consecutive OSCAR number
>be assigned to their satellite.  TMSAT, the first Thai microsat, was
>constructed by Thai engineers in cooperation with engineers at the
>University of Surrey in the UK.  It*s primarily designed along the
>lines of a low-earth-orbiting communications satellite. The TMSAT
>control station in Bangkok is HS0AM.  TechSat-1B is also responding
>well to ground control commands, and the satellite recently took its
>first picture from space. The satellite contains an ultraviolet
>spectro-radiometer, a charged particles detector, and a
>superconductivity experiment, among other experiments.  Images from
>both satellites and access to additional information are available
>via the AMSAT Web site, Both satellites are
>expected to be available soon for general amateur use.