Last Thursday

Andre' Kesteloot
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 09:04:41 -0500

Hello Tacoistas,

Those of you who chose not to attend the AMRAD Meeting at the Dolley
Madison Library last Thursday:  Eat your heart out  :-)

This was an excellent evening, with:
* a live presentation of DSP and waterfall displays by Bob Bruhns WA3WDR

* a live reception of the new Digital TV Transmitter recently installed
by Channel 9, with equipment and briefing supplied by Terry Fox WB4JFI
* a very interesting presentation on LF Transmitting Antennas by Frank
Gentges K0BRA, ex AK4R (who, before his retirement from the US Navy, was
involved in LF programs).

My thanks to the presenters, who made the effort of bringing all sorts
of hardware, and made this fascinating evening possible.
