[Fwd: LF: SAQ Alexanderson 17.8 kHz transmitter]

Andre' Kesteloot akestelo@bellatlantic.net
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 11:01:59 -0400

> Dick Rollema wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I have seen already several articles in magazines on your museum and SAQ. The last one I saw is in Funkamateur 7/99 with title "Laengstwellenstation SAQ - ein Museum".
> It is wonderful that the last Alexanderson -transmitter in the world is kept in operational condition and the staff of the museum deserves the highest praise for its efforts.
> Their used to be a Telefunken VLF-generator at station Kootwijk in our country but it was demolished by the Germans in 1945. If they had not done so the machine would certainly have been dismantled after the war to make place for modern transmitters because our PTT (now KPN) that used to run the station has never shown any sense for the historical importance of transmitters. Today even less than before as the only thing that is of interest to KPN is making money. And to preserve a station like Kootwijk or SAQ only costs money.
> I sincerely hope you will manage to keep SAQ operational so that later generations can see what wireless was like in the past.
> A question: when will SAQ be on the air again on 17.8 kHz? I would like to listen to it as I have never heard how a VLF-generator sounds.
> Yours sincerely,
> Dick Rollema, PA0SE
> V.d. Marckstraat 5
> 2352 RA Leiderdorp
> The Netherlands
> Tel. +31 71 589 27 34
> E-mail: d.w.rollema@gironet.nl