Hearing Leonids

Alex Fraser beatnic@home.com
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 09:32:10 -0500

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Apparently some folks heard meteors as they flashed by. The link is to a
NASA article which is light and yet technical. For the time impaired I
will sum up; The cause could be very low frequency radio generated by
turbulence in the ionized tail. The wave were strong enough to vibrate
nearby objects at audio frequencies.


~~~~~~~~ Alex Fraser  N3DER ~~~~~~~~~~~
--------- beatnic@home.com ------------
~~~~ http://members.home.com/beatnic ~~

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Apparently some folks heard meteors as they flashed by. The link is to
a NASA article which is light and yet technical. For the time impaired
I will sum up; The cause could be very low frequency radio generated by
turbulence in the ionized tail. The wave were strong enough to vibrate
nearby objects at audio frequencies.<a href="http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast26nov_1.htm?list16511"></a>
<p><a href="http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast26nov_1.htm?list16511">http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast26nov_1.htm?list16511</a>
<br>~~~~~~~~ Alex Fraser&nbsp; N3DER ~~~~~~~~~~~
<br>--------- beatnic@home.com ------------
<br>~~~~ <A HREF="http://members.home.com/beatnic">http://members.home.com/beatnic</A> ~~
