VLF Receiver

Frank Gentges KØBRA fgentges@mindspring.com
Sat, 29 Dec 2001 20:54:17 -0500


Several of us have bought the TenTec RX320 and modified them (according to 
our *fine* instructions on the AMRAD web page below) for LF.  It works 
great and only costs $295.  Of course, it requires a computer to run it but 
since you sent email I suspect that won't be a big hurdle for you.

Check out Ten Tec's web site at www.tentec.com.


At 07:29 PM 12/29/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Where do I get a decent, inexpensive VLF receiver?

Frank Gentges KØBRA
LF web site at <http://www.amrad.org/projects/lf>