A DSP project for consderation

Bob Bruninga bruninga@usna.edu
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 10:45:25 -0500 (EST)

On 2 Jan 2002, Robert E. Seastrom wrote about the I-BAND concept:
> Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see anything that
> requires much in the DSP department.  I mean, heck, my AOR keyer...
> The output side is easy too.  Writing software to take ASCII and send
> it out the sound card as ASCII with an adjustable fist is maybe a
> weekend's worth of work, probably less.

Yes, but remember the speaker output must contain the reconstruction of
all signals in the passband including QRM and noise simulations.  But you
are right, this is easy to do, since all signals in the "passband" need
only a constant offset applied as the receiver "frequency" is tuned...