
Pratt, Frank "Skip" Frank_Pratt at
Tue Apr 29 15:43:00 CDT 2003

Members of AMRAD and friends of AMRAD members are cordially invited to the
10th Annual AMRAD-Dayton Hamvention Cookout, Friday, May 16, 2003.


This event has become a ritual for AMRAD members and friends to renew
acquaintances and exchange technical gossip regarding any number of topics
while enjoying a cold one after a long Friday at the Dayton Hamvention. 


Location of the cookout is Skip Pratt's (N2FOE) farm, west of the Dayton
airport.  Address is 10691 Kley Road, Vandalia, OH, GPS (39 54.101, N 84
17.027W).  Cell phone at the cook out is (937) 609-6807.


The venue is the same as in years past; we ask guests to arrive about 4:30pm
and cooking will begin about 5:30pm.  If you are able, we ask people to
bring some picnic food and/or beer to add to the communal ice chests.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, soft drinks and utensils are provided.  Please send an
e-mail to confirm that you are coming, that way we have some idea of how
many people to plan for.  There is always enough food and drink and the
fellowship is outstanding.


We look forward to seeing you in Dayton - home of the Wright Brothers and
the birthplace of aviation.




N2FOE  (Skip)


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