W3HXF, Chairman Powell and BPL...

Andre Kesteloot andre.kesteloot at verizon.net
Mon Jun 7 21:04:56 CDT 2004

>> From: "Grillo's" <ah3c at frii.com>
>> Date: 2004/06/06 Sun AM 07:42:20 EDT
>> To: "Sumner, Dave,  K1ZZ" <dsumner at arrl.org>, 
>> 	"Stinson, Walt (Dir, Rocky Mtn)" <W0CP at arrl.org>
>> CC: <w3hxf at cox.net>
>> Subject: Re: WCAI conference (Wireless Communications Association)
>Dave, Walt -
>I just got back from the conference.  Chairman Powell was the keynote
>speaker.  He mentioned existing and newly planned wireless broadband
>frequency allocations to address the explosive growth in broadband.  The
>exact wording of his speech will be posted on the WCIA web site
>http://www.wcai.com/article_005.htm#a in a few days.
>The moderator allowed only two questions for the audience.  Bill Scholtz,
>W3HXF, was the first person picked out of the approximately 800 person
>crowd.  His question was just what you likely would have asked.  It went
>something like this:
>Chairman Powell, after your recent tour through South Dakota, 
>did you have someone stay behind to write a report on rural communications 
>comparing the above 700 to the below 30 MHz range of frequencies?
>Mr. Powell smiled and asked "Are you a ham operator?"  The audience was
>amused by this response.  Bill, of course said yes.
>Then, Mr. Powell carefully worded a statement that said the commission is
>focusing its BPL testing to assure spurious emmissions are minimized,
>thereby limiting interference.
>To me, this was a very disappointing answer.  I believe Bill should be
>commended for stepping forward in getting the question out on the table for
>all in the business of providing wireless services and those amateurs using
>The conference was well attended.  Manufacturers are
>gearing up to support the new IEEE 802.16 standards (2-11 GHz range of frequencies).
>73, Pete
>> 73,  Pete Grillo
>> W0RTT
>> 501 County Road 41
>> Bellvue, Co. 80512
>> H: (970)472-99335
>> W: (970)490-8862
>> C: (970)567-2638

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