144.39: The rogue carrier is gone

Iain McFadyen mcfadyenusa at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 9 00:02:53 CST 2006

A small number of us (KG4OJT, WB3AKD, and myself) set out to foxhunt the rogue
station this evening.

(This is one reason why the qusntity of emails dropped off at around 6:00pm.)

We headed to the expected location of the rogue transmitter: Purcellville. A
quick chat with Tom indicated that the search area appeared to be way to our
south. Tom's latest analysis didn't correlate with previous conclusions, and
Tom was already searching further south in vehicle 1. 

So, the second vehicle headed West on Rt 7, to Bluemont, then turned South.
Took some bearings from the ridge, and all of the bearings indicated the rogue
was WEST of the ridge. We passed Mt Weather, took some more bearings, dropped
down off the ridge and by co-incidence, happened to pull on to Rt 50 behind
Tom in the other vehicle! Quite a surprise to literally cross paths like that!

We headed further West on Rt 50, took another bearing from a place called
Berrys, VA, where Rt 50 crosses the Shenandoah river.  Result: Bearing of 260
degrees Magnetic, (249 degrees true) from "39 02.59N 78 00.05W". (This is a
correction to a co-ordinate sent out to a couple of people earlier. Sorry).

To see this location, go to maps.google.com, then paste the information in the
quotes above.

Now that we were on the West side of this ridge, it began to make me think
that Chad's (W1CAR) hunch was true, that the problem was a station in Linden,
just SE of Front Royal. 

We popped in to a McDonalds for an ice cream treat, and when we emerged at
10pm, the signal was gone.

I have not heard from anyone that the source was conclusively discovered, but
K4QJZ-7 in Linden is certainly suspect.  Findu reports that the last
transmission heard from it was at 7:15am on Tuesday.

If we discover any firm resolution, I'll send one last email to the list(s),
otherwise, this will be the last...

Iain   KI4HLV

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