500 kHz nes

Bob Bruhns bbruhns at erols.com
Sat May 27 09:13:37 CDT 2006

You know, I'm waiting for the Royal Republic of Lower Elbonia to launch something into the geosynch orbit, but going the wrong way.
In a matter of hours, most geosynchronous communication satellites would be spinning out of control, or destroyed.  A few spares
might be deployable into the orbit, but the debris would make them short-lived.

Then what?  Earth and ocean cable, microwave relay links, LEO, MEO, shortwave and longwave again.  And maybe some trick satellites
in between the earth and the sun, assuming nobody messes with those.

A relatively narrow range around 500 KHz should be kept as an emergency destress-call band, and emergency communication skills
should be maintained.  Or, we can opt for weatherproof string and tin cans.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andre Kesteloot" <andre.kesteloot at verizon.net>
To: "Tacos" <tacos at amrad.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: 500 kHz nes

> http://www.rwonline.com/reference-room/special-report/2006.03.29-07_rwf_500_khz_2.shtml
> 73
> André N4ICK
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