Atomic timekeeping

Melvin G. Seyle, Jr. melvin.seyle at
Sun Oct 29 12:02:06 CST 2006

I defer to Dave, K8MMO, on the matter of watches, since I know from 
personal experience that he is a veritable font of knowledge when it 
comes to watches!

However, the following may be of interest:
I have the Casio Wave Ceptor which I purchased from Wal-Mart for 
$37.95.  It will attempt to recieve the 60KHz from WWVB at 0000, 0100, 
0200, 0300, 0400, and 0500.  When a successful calibration is achieved, 
the watch will ignore any remaining reception opportunities that day.  
The calibration indicator will then appear on the bottom right of the 
watch.  If no calibration is achieved the indicator remains blank.  The 
user is able to check the time of the last calibration at any time.  

Mine calibrates every night unless there is severe wx in the area. 


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