Ham Radio in Newsweek

stoskopf at tri.net stoskopf at tri.net
Thu Jan 25 16:34:17 CST 2007

Newsweek, Jan 22, p.12, in an article "Learning Takes Time" about schools
adding extra hours to the teaching day comments:

"But Markus Watson, an eighth grader who attends Matthew J. Kuss Middle
School in Fall River, Mass., is convinced.  His school was one of 10
public schools in Massachusetts that adopted an extended-day schedule this
year. .....
Yes, he's gotten more instruction in English, but he's also become a ham
operator and played the leading role in "Macbeth"."We're learning more
than we usually do from teachers," he says, "And it keeps me out of
trouble."  That's a lesson that is worth repeating."

Somebody up there needs an acknowledgement.  And maybe some copycats.


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