AMRAD March and April Meetings

Paul L Rinaldo prinaldo at
Mon Feb 26 11:44:16 CST 2007


First, I apologize for being a bouncing ball, especially on our meeting
location. We had decided to hold meetings at McLean House because the
Dolley Madison  Library is to be demolished. Well, the date of its
demolution is a little murky and it appears that we can continue to meet at
Dolley Madison at least for a few months. Therefore:

The March 8, 7:30 PM meeting, featuring AMSAT President Rick Hambly, W2GPS,
will be held at the Dolley Madison Library.

AMRAD Vice President George Lemaster provides the following information:
The meeting on Thursday, April 12 will be at the Dolley Madison Library.
Dr. Robert Fontana, AK3Y, President of Multispectral Solutions Inc., will
talk about ultra-wideband (UWB) RF technology and show some new UWB
applications from his company. Bob's company website,, has an excellent set of papers online to learn about
UWB technology. 

Paul, W4RI

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