6m stuff. Tech Net, and good food.

Michael Chisena ka2zev at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 3 08:20:12 CST 2008

  Guess this is the place to plug the new Tech Net project set to kick off on Tuesday Evening Jan 8Th at 8 PM. Or perhaps later, see below) 
  I wanted to place the net to start after the 147.300 traffic net. 
  That way one can spring board to the other.
  One of the guys on '79 mentioned this is a conflict with an NVFMA club net activity. 
  No big deal, time I can shift in, the day is kinda sorta locked in.
  None of this is written in stone, so flexibility is good.
  This net will be held on the 53.61 NVFMA (67Hz) repeater out of Ashburn.
  Couple of reasons for this.
  Most 6m guys tend to be of the build it, bend it, fix it, crowd.
  It gets us away from the over used two meter assets.
  Second, it gets some hours on the unit.
  It also places the 53.61 into peoples memory.
  In parallel with this net Ive set up a Yahoo Group for back and forth banter on the subjects. 
  Post message:
  5361NVFMA at yahoogroups.com
    Subscribe:  5361NVFMA-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
  Right now Ive been archiving stuff on the 6m meteor scatter project.
  Also planning a Tech Net dinner meeting on the evening of Tuesday the 22ND at Old Dominion Brewing in Ashburn. Good food, good people, central location to 61. In fact my dinky hand held radio can ping it from there.
  Tech Articles.
  Been working on some tech articles and making them available to the Midland LMR users community. Here are the links.
  Packet Conversion
  Memory Expansion
  6m Conversion
  This last one is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
  If you dig around the flickr site you can see some of my Iraq photos.
  So that's the news.
Keep it safe
  Mike Chisena
  703 863 4574 after 16:30

"You are, what you do, when it counts"  
The Masso

"Gravity, the quickest way down"  
Mayor John Almafi

"You ever drop an egg, and on the floor you see it break? 

You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake.  

But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true? 

If you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new?" 

MC Hawking
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