A $2,500 car

John Teller jsteller at spottydog.us
Tue Jan 8 17:20:08 CST 2008

They do that in Brazil too - something about not wanting to "kill the battery".  A hold over from when cars ran 6V electrical systems and the generator output had to be set manually via a third brush.  Set it too high and you overcharge the battery during the day - set it too low and the lights draw more current than the generator puts out.  Never mind that automotive electrical systems included reasonably good mechanical regulators or better since the late fifties!

--- JST

"Terry Fox" <wb4jfi at knology.net> writes:

> From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs at seastrom.com>
>> Best quote of the article:
>>    "So what if I'm going at 65 or 75?" Taneja said, referring to the use
>>    of a less precise speedometer.
>> When I was in New Delhi, it was more like "So what if the light is
>> red?" or "So what if I am driving on the wrong side of the four lane
>> divided highway?".  Getting rid of the speedometer altogether would be
>> no great loss.
> Except for the revenue that speeding tickets generate.  That would need to
> be made up.
> Terry

I'm sure that there is little or no speed law enforcement in India.
At least, speeding seems like a lesser crime than driving around at
night with no lights on, which is SOP there.


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