Winterfest follow up and something useful for Cannon Camera owners.

Michael Chisena ka2zev at
Mon Feb 25 08:27:31 CST 2008

Hi kids,
  Two items
  First Item
  If you  have a Cannon digital camera you too may have this issue. The wife and I have Powershot 70's and the two of them are doing something bizarre. 
  The image looks like the ghost of Salvatore Dali got loose in the bits. 
  All the images seem to be melting. 
  Anyhow, they have a 'fix it free' thing cooking that might be useful. 
  A fair amount of model numbers are involved in this program.
  Hope it helps.
  Second item again. 
  Back to the Winterfest. This is a cut down edition of the note posted on the MIDLAND LMR user group.
  Learned from a friend back in New York about 'Gorilla Marketing'.
  It works. I'm an idiot, should have taken photos.
  Had a lot of people visit our booth yesterday.
  Moved four units and have a follow up for either tonight or Tuesday.
  Many of the people who visited were from some of the big area clubs here.
  NVFMA, Vienna, and the 147.300 crew out west.
  Learned a few things.
  Marketing counts.
  It pays to have an antenna that can be deployed.
  One of the AMRAD guys has a mil style antenna that we stuck into a tree and some heavy coax. Set up a unit on a power supply and had the antenna jacked in.
  Worked like a champ.
  A big sign never hurts.
  Went to the Office Depot with a little one printed on standard copy paper.
  They were able to enlarge it to 4 by 3 feet. 
  Stuck that to a bit of foam board for rigidity.
  Put that on an stand behind me.
  That enlargement ran about 4 bucks.
  The stand was a bit more pricey.
  CD r's
  Frank G made up some very useful CD r's for the event.
  A scanned in copy of the service manual, the data load program for the radio, some test files, a sketch of the programing cable , and the vendor list.
  Business Cards.
  Went to Kinko's Saturday and had a box of simple business cards printed up. 
  Very handy to have this. 
  First off it's contact data. 
  Second it's note paper with my data on the back. 
  I can't say enough about having some cards around.
  Had a book on the desk. In it were some notes on why my units are not normal ham radio units. It talks about the scan feature, why commercial users do things differently. Will post that to the flicker tonight some time. Also had the paper copy of the service book in it, and the paper copies of the various frequency load outs.
  Future features.
  The trade show format.
  Here at the lab we get a bunch of trade shows. 
  They do some things well, and I'm not shy about copying.
  Get a bowl to put some hard candy in. 
  People love free, even if it's only a candy. 
  They come by and remember you.
  While at the office depot, I got four plain steel folding chairs.
  People like to sit down when playing with radios.
  It puts clients at ease if they are not stressed with other things they are carrying.
  Learned that trick at gun shows. 
  People who fill out the state and government forms for fire arms need to sit and write with a care.
  Same for clients who write checks. 
  I have a little DVD player that will display still photos from a disk.
  Thinking of putting photos of the conversion process and the other articles into a rotating pattern, along with some of my Iraq stuff. 
  Who isn't captivated when looking at a TV?
  Lap Top
  I had the lap top in the event someone needed a frequency change on a purchased radio.
  Didn't happen this day. 
  One of my clients borrowed my programing cable for a while, but I expect that to change when I get out of the Northern Virginia area.
  The next big show is Timonium Md. 
  A couple of big 6m users in the Baltimore area I should make nice to.
  Club Meetings.
  Ive offered my self up to make presentations about the radios to various clubs. 
  Depending on attendance a 50 50 raffle for a unit might not be out of the question. 
  I will have units available for sale after the meeting.
  Right now I think NVFMA wants me, and some big club in Loundon County VA wants me to visit. Not a bad gig.
  Loans and donations
  The local ARES crew may want to borrow some radios for an event in the near future.
  Why not? It's one way to get exposure. 
  Who knows if one of the members wants to buy one after the event. 
  They ain't doing me any good in the trunk of my car, so put them on the air and clock some hours with them. 
  They won't be any worse for ware afterwords.
  I may donate one or two for club raffles. 
  That way I get to look good and the clubs get to do something cool for the members. 
  (considering my normal frumpy appearance, any chance to look good always helps)
  That's the news.
  Keep it warm

"You are, what you do, when it counts"  
The Masso

"Gravity, the quickest way down"  
Mayor John Almafi

"You ever drop an egg, and on the floor you see it break? 

You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake.  

But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true? 

If you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new?" 

MC Hawking
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