Timonium Hamfest

fgentges at mindspring.com fgentges at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 31 20:21:42 CDT 2008

We got 15 new members and 2 renewals at the Timonium Hamfest this 
weekend.  I promoted our collected knowledge on building Surface Mount 
PC boards for projects and it seemed to ring very will with the kind of 
hams we want to attract.

Several people also were looking to see our SDR-IQ display again.

We will be setting up at Dayton Hamvention.  I plan to show both the 
material on building SMT boards and the SDR-IQ.  Hopefully, we can get 
some new members from around the country to join and contribute to our work.

Anyone with experience and knowledge on building SMT boards is 
encouraged to write up their experiences for the newsletter.  There are 
a number of people out there that would like to know how to get started. 
  We have some pretty good collective wisdom on this and perhaps we can 
build a tutorial on the subject.  Email me if you have any thoughts on this.

Frank K0BRA

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