Manassas hamfest

Terry Fox tfox at
Sun Apr 27 15:41:14 CDT 2008

I know people are probably concentrating on Dayton right now, but is there a
plan to have an AMRAD SDR demonstration at Manassas?  If so, I wull be
going, and should be able to provide some hardware.

I can bring a SoftRock RxTx, a Brainerd board (at least receiver, maybe BPX
and prototype exciter as well), an SDR-IQ, and some misc other stuff.  I
have two laptops.

I also have an FT817 that I can use to make a signal if nothing is received.

My latest acquistion for the WB4JFI shack is a used buddipole deluxe.  This
is a portable 40-2 meter dipole antenna with tripod.  It is a very neat
antenna.  Combination of birthday and anniversary present!

I would prefer to be inside at a table.  I just came from the Charleston Air
Show, and I am sun-burned pretty badly in some places.  Being outdoors for
long periods isn't great for me.

I'm willing to coordinate with somebody on signage, etc...

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