It's a small world

Terry Fox tfox at
Mon Nov 3 23:24:13 CST 2008

OK, I was at the bench, writing some Linux SDR software, and testing it with
the beta 40M SoftRock RxTx using the Si570 DSPLL.  I tune through a familiar
voice, so I wait.  I hear W0LMD for a call.  Those of you old-time AMRADers
will recognize Dr. Robert Suding's call.  Of the original Digital Group
fame.  He lived in DC for a while, and was an AMRAD member.  He had a
telescope setup in Reston that WB4NFB would have loved to have!!  It looked
like a grain silo complete with motorized opening roof for the scope.

Robert gave an early microprocessor talk to AMRAD, highlighted by playing
various tunes on an AM radio by "modulating" the computer's data bus lines!
He also had a fast (1200 baud) cassette interface for saving and restoring
programs, when everybody else was using either 300 baud cassettes, or
front-panel switches.  Very smart cookie!

He's in the Denver area, and works on green power stuff, astronomy, altering
voice charasterics for better understandability, and antennas.  He likes
17M, and I printed him on 20M PSK about a year ago.

We also talked about fast-scan TV, and SDR work.  Then, the chinese
broadcaster wiped us out.  Future QSO's forthcoming....

Thought some here might be interested.

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