Charleston SDR Software

Terry Fox tfox at
Thu Sep 10 23:34:19 CDT 2009

I just added John Schwacke's software for his Charleston SDR board to 
the AMRAD web site.  There is code for both Windows and Linux.  This is 
preliminary code, which I've modified for the present SDR board sample 
frequency, and other minor changes.

The Windows code creates specview, which is only a spectrum display 
program.  No demodulation is done, but it shows about 400kHz of 
bandwidth at a time.

The Linux code is for GNURadio.  John modified the USRP driver to work 
with his board in receive.  It has hf_explorer (for 40M), nbfm for 2M 
repeaters, and wbfm for listening to FM broadcast.

Both sets of code are very early work at this point.  But, both work.  I 
understand one of the boards built at Frank's is now working, once the 
correct regulators arrived.  That's the reason I am putting up this 
early code.

See the DSP & SDR page, and follow the Charleston SDR link.


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