SDR: there's an app for that

Terry Fox tfox at
Fri Jun 11 15:19:23 CDT 2010

I saw that there is now an SDR app for the iPhone and iPad, by NZ0I, in 
iTunes.  It takes I and Q, and demodulates the signals for SSB at 
least.  It apparently samples the I/Q audio at 44.1kHz.  It also has a 
mono-mode, where it can use the mic jack on top of the iPhone, but does 
not demod as much spectrum.

I purchased a Belkin TuneTalk on ebay for about $20, that provides the 
stereo line-in to the iPhone via the docking connector, which I just got 
today.  I plugged them together (which turns off the iPhone's cell phone 
part), and hooked them up to my SoftRock RxTx that stays on the 
workbench.  It has SI570 frequency control, so I can tune all over 40M.  
Mister signal generator verifies a 44kHz spectrum display.

It works really cool! 
It demods decently.  Occasional overload, so the level may need 
tweeking.  I must run the TuneTalk in Mic mode to get enough level for 
the app to demod properly.

Anyway, a really useful app for the iPhone or iPad.

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