Quisk - a qualified SUCCESS!

Terry Fox tfox at knology.net
Thu Jun 17 19:08:48 CDT 2010

Just to let you guys know that I just got the Charleston SDR 
receiver/Nexys2 system working (barely) with Quisk (version 3.3.7)!!

(Paul: did the newsletter go to the printers already?  If not, could you 
add a simple sentence to my article to the likes of:  Update:  Terry 
reports that Quisk is now working with the Charleston receiver.)

It has taken a few weeks to combine both the Quisk SDR-IQ support, and 
John's GNU Radio support for the Charleston board, to make something 
work.  I got it ready to compile about midnight last night, then spent 
until 4AM, and all of today, to kill various bugs.  It turned out that 
moving some things from C++ back to C was the most time-consuming, as 
some gotchas were not obvious.

I still need to get the samples number format correct, as the spectrum 
display is down in the weeds until the vertical gain and position are 
adjusted.  There are a few other things to add or fix.  And, the 
receiver "stops" demodulating every once in a while for about 1/2 
second.  I thought this was buffer underruns on the host comptuer when 
this happened in GNU Radio, but now that I see it in Quisk, I'm not so 
sure.  I put printf statements in the code to show underruns, and 
nothing appears on teh screen.

But, I've been listening to 40M for about an hour now.

I've got a lot of cleaning up to do, but should be able to release an 
early version very soon.  Quisk seems MUCH easier to compile and use 
than GNU Radio.

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