Nuclear Detonation

Richard O'Neill richardoneill at
Fri Jan 21 11:17:38 CST 2011

  Decades ago I saw a picture of the expanding plasma from a tower 
mounted nuclear detonation. In addition to the then amazing ability to 
capture such an image I was curious about the dimples, clearly visible 
in the expanding ball of plasma. I've long wondered about their cause, 
assuming them to be an artifact of the placement/ timing of explosive 
charges surrounding the core, used to initiate the reaction. Anyone know 

(and no Home Land Security - if you're listening, I don't want to build 
one) ;-)

On 1/21/2011 11:11 AM, Mike O'Dell wrote:
> there are two wonderful books which contains previously unclassified
> pictures and a comprehensive discussion of the techniques used
> to capture them. the titles are:
> "How to Photograph an Atomic Bomb"
> and
> "100 Suns"
> i highly recommend them for those interested in
> *ultra*high-speed photography and the force that drove development
>     -mo

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