WMAL Transmitter Site Tour Update

Bob Rice, KG4RRN kg4rrn at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 26 15:44:50 CST 2011

Greetings fellow AMRADers,
After 3 more people signed up today at TACOS,
we now have a grand total of 11 bodies(12 including me)
 wanting to take that fantactic voyage to the WMAL transmission site,
And so again, if your are in the D.C. area, have been semi, or professionally retired
or still working, and want to see some neat electrical and electronic stuff,
on a Khz level some day soon-- shoot me (I'm the other Bob) an e-mail and 
let me know that you desire it.
Thanks, and I now return you to your previous viewing, already in progress....

Bob Rice, KG4RRN
kg4rrn at arrl.net
A Notary Public, VA.
Vice President, 
Jefferson Co. WV. Amateur Radio Club
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