time tricks?

Bob Bruhns bbruhns at erols.com
Mon Mar 7 09:41:54 CST 2011

I happened to see some old Rowan and Martin Laugh-In clips on PBS the 
other day.  In 1968 they had a '20 years from now' news story about 
President Ronald Reagan not running for California Governor, and then 
they had one for 1989, I guess it was done in 1969, about the Berlin 
Wall coming down.

Not only eerily accurate, but (1) who knew in 1968, that Reagan would 
run in the 80s, or be president in 1988?  And (2) why would the Berlin 
Wall show up like that in a comedy show in 1969?

If I see H.G. Welles whiz by on some odd looking contrivance, I'm going 
to know something.

    Bob, WA3WDR

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