Mike O'Dell mo at
Sat Jun 4 10:14:40 CDT 2011

I just sent an email to President Craigie of the League,
urging in the strongest possible terms that ARRL should
join The Coalition to Save GPS and help with the fight.

I made that point that if GPS can be sacrificed for the
financial gain of a high-roller third party, with the aid of the
precedent of such a spectrum grab, we don't stand a chance
against a renewed attack by the BPL polluters or anyone
else that covets our allocations.

This is in addition to the obvious catastrophic implications
of losing GPS service within a 10-20 mile radius of each one
of the 40,000 (forty thousand) Lightsquared cell towers.

Folks, this is for *all* the marbles.

I realize the list tries very hard to be a-political,
but I believe this is a matter of life and death for
Ham Radio, as well as everything else that now relies
on GPS.

I now return control of your television set to your
regularly-scheduled screed.


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