Tacos Digest, Vol 102, Issue 19

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Aug 8 12:57:48 CDT 2011

> I give up.   Why should I care?
> If people can't figure how how to send plain text 
> .. why the hell should I care what they send?
> I no longer do.  Screw it.  I am not going to try 
> to figure out what they send.

Amen.  I thought I was the only one peeved by this  

The Tacos list is the worst reflector of the dozens I subscribe to because the information content is near zero.  It amazes me that people think that I should follow a link based on an email that says "look at this!".

And do not even take the courtesy to tell me WHY.

If they are so busy that they cannot take the time to fill in a sentence or two about WHY they are telling me to waste my time then it is rude and inconsiderate to send that out to 200 people and push the burden onto those 200 people to take the time to figure out why...  This is the ultimate in SPAM.

SO basically, probably 98% of everything on the tacos list gets deleted on sight because many don't have time to follow each one to see why the hell someone sent it to us.

I am not criticizing individuals nor demanding change.  I think there is a core group on here that has mental telepathy to know what others are thinking and/or plenty of time to poke around on every trivially interesting link sent to them.  SO I am not complaining, I am just reminding them that the result is that many people just ignore their informationless content on sight.  ANd have no idea what they are sending.

The best group I am subscribed to is the EVADC group (Electric Vehicle of DC club) and the rule of ettiquite is that ANY post of a link, must INCLUDE the entire quoted text of the link as well IN PLAIN TEXT.

Bang, you get an instant full concept of the link in milliseconds and the human mind can digest in an instant visualization their interest in reading all of it or not in a second or less.  Done.

It it looks interesting, then they can follow the link and get all the graphics and full content of the original.

If one just sends "look at this" links, he is first warned, then eventually moderated.

Bob, wb4apr

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