Our right to privacy vs. an electronic black-box in our car

Mike O'Dell mo at ccr.org
Thu Apr 19 18:48:14 CDT 2012

What I view with utter disbelief are the adds from "Progressive Insurance"
jawboning their recorder that plugs into the ODB2 connector to collect
"driving habits" for a month so they can give you "preferential rates".

and if you believe that, i have a bridge to show you at the next low tide.

The fundamental theorem of insurance is that real insurance relies on
maximizing the denominator - the group size -  while maximizing
company profits relies on minimizing the denominator - the group size.

this is precisely the change that happened when insurance companies
were allowed to "demutualize" and pay profits and dividends to people
other than the policy holders.  the policy holders became just more
sheep to fleece.  once again the financial industry gets another needle
in a vein to suck just that much harder.



On 4/19/12 5:06 PM, Andre Kesteloot wrote:
> http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/embedded-systems/the-automotive-black-box-data-dilemma 
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