Artificial Intelligent Surveillance

Karl W4KRL W4KRL at
Tue Nov 20 09:07:58 CST 2012

That is the premise of "Person of Interest" CBS Thursday 9pm:


"John Reese (Jim Caviezel <> ), a
former Green Beret <>
and CIA <>  field
officer <> , is living as a
derelict in New York City after an unspecified incident, and is presumed
dead. He is approached by Harold Finch (Michael Emerson
<> ), a reclusive billionaire
computer genius who is living under an assumed identity. Finch explains that
after 9/11 <> , he built
a computer system for the government which uses information gleaned from
omnipresent surveillance to predict future terrorist attacks. However, Finch
discovered that the computer was predicting ordinary crimes as well. While
the government was not interested in these results, Finch is determined to
find a way to stop the predicted crimes. He hires Reese to conduct
surveillance and intervene as needed, using his repertoire of skills gained
in the military and CIA. Through a back door built into the system, Finch
receives a Social Security number for someone who will be involved in an
imminent crime, at which point he contacts Reese. Without knowing what the
crime will be, when it will occur, or even if the person they were alerted
to is a victim or perpetrator, Reese and Finch must try to stop the crime
from occurring." Wikipedia


From: William Fenn [mailto:bfenn at] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:10 AM
To: tacos at
Subject: Artificial Intelligent Surveilance


H.G. Wells had it right.  He only had the year wrong.





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