"Fiscal Cliff" in Plain English

Mike O'Dell mo at ccr.org
Sun Dec 23 13:38:48 CST 2012

Unfortunately, neither approach solves the fundamental problem
that the structure is no longer fit for habitation.

The only realistic solution is to move to another house, ideally either
using the money from the flood insurance or from the lawsuit against
the sewer district, depending on the cause of the massive backup.

A more apt analogy would be to consider being out in a small boat
on a rapidly rising river in a huge rainstorm. You take refuge under
a bridge because you it's hard to steer and bail at the same time.
The river keeps rising, however, so you have a choice - stay under
the bridge and drown when it finally rises above the bridge deck,
or get out from under the bridge and keep bailing while you
continue to try and keep control of the boat while waiting for the river
to crest and get to shore.

most people would chose to take their chances and keep bailing.


On 12/23/12 11:16 AM, Richard O'Neill wrote:
> Lesson # 2:
> Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:
> Let's say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer 
> backup in your neighborhood and your home has sewage all the way up to 
> your ceilings.
> What do you think you should do - Raise the ceilings, or remove the crap?
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