A little end-of-the-year head-scratcher

Andre Kesteloot andre.kesteloot at verizon.net
Sun Dec 30 20:13:26 CST 2012

Dear Tacoistas,

/let a = b//
//now multiply both sides by b//
//ab = b2//
//and subtract  a2  for both sides//
//ab-a2 =  b2 - a2//
//a(b-a) = (b+a)(b-a)//
//now divide both sides by (b-a)//
//a = b+a/

In order to give a chance to the slow-pokes to scratch their heads a 
little, please do not post your answer on the TACOS reflector, but send 
it directly to me <andre.kesteloot at ieee.org>
Happy New Year

André N4ICK

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