Continuing with the Arduino theme....

Louis Mamakos louie at
Sat Jan 26 09:20:32 CST 2013

Another thing you might consider is using Google Hangouts at a video conferencing/sharing arrangement as an alternative to Skype for remote participation.  You can have up to 10 participants.  There is a variation on this called "Google Hangouts on the Air" which is linked to YouTube for view-only broadcast to a large number of viewers.   There's a "chat" feature that the viewers can use to send comments back, and you can have up to 10 live presenters at a time, with the video switching to the active source.  For the "on the air" version, there's also a director's capability to manually select video sources, mute other participants, etc.  It's pretty well done, and works with a generic Google Video/Audio browser plug-in.

The "Hangouts on the air" content is also archived for later, non-realtime consumption.

I've participated in one of these in a weekly "Virtual Star Party", where there are combinations of professional astronomers, amateur astronomers with telescopes and cameras and some educators touring the sky, show live images to the viewers.  It has been going on weekly for a year now, and I only just got involved myself.  It's lots of fun, and a pretty effective way to convey content and meet.  Here's the Virtual Star Party page on google+ and a promo video here: and last week's virtual star party broadcast at  (I'm the third from the left, starting with an image of M42).

It's free, and works better than most desktop video conferencing systems I've used in the past.


On Jan 26, 2013, at 12:23 AM, Alex Fraser <beatnic at> wrote:

> An Amrad page on Youtube would be nice.  The price is right and who knows it might become a big hit.  
> There is certainly talent in this group.  Developing a style wouldn't take too long.  
> BTW a search on Youtube for "Amrad" gives some interesting results.
> wb4jfi at wrote:
>> Congrats of the progress Karl!  I'm excited to see someone working on these types of projects.  I have a few displays around here, including the SeeedStudio one from Radio Shack.  I need to figure out the differences, if any. 
>> I just ordered two of a similar display (I think) from ebay: 
>> They are $17.99 with free shipping, and are the ones that is being used on the STM32F4Discovery boards by John from AQRP.  I wonder if they are the same ones that you used? 
>> Are other AMRADers doing similar stuff?  I see that Andre has an article in the latest newsletter about an Arduino-based project. 
>> Thanks again for the progress update, I can't wait to see your next Youtubes - as I won't make Winterfest. 
>> 73, Terry, WB4JFI
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