[HUMO(U)R] Jokes from a Polish colleague

Phil philmt59 at aol.com
Thu Feb 21 18:15:15 CST 2013

> So, enjoy.
> Phil M1GWZ
>> See?  So, a physicist, a biologist and a mathematician are sitting at a cafe, watching a house opposite.  One person goes into the house.  Later, two people come out of the house.  The physicist and biologist look at each other in consternation.  "The measurement was clearly inaccurate!" says the physicist.  "They have bred very quickly!" says the biologist.  The mathematician, unruffled, says "If now one more person goes into the house it will once again be empty."
>> So, there's a chemist, a Rabbi and a Baptist sitting at another cafe.  Somehow they get onto the topic of whether they would ever adopt a mistress.  The Rabbi and the Baptist agree it would be unconscionable, but, to their surprise, the chemist says he would gladly do so.  "I'd tell the wife I was with my mistress, tell my mistress I was with my wife, and then I could go to the lab and get some work done."
>> See? There's a Pole, a Russian and a Frenchman in an old-fashioned railway carriage, with a very demure young lady.  The train goes into a long tunnel and, being quick-thinking, the young lady puts a pin between her lips, so as to prevent any of the rogues she is with from kissing her in the dark of the tunnel.  The train goes into the tunnel, and pandemonium seems to ensue - shrieks and shouts and curses.  When the train emerges into daylight, everything is exactly as it was before, but the Russian has a black eye.  The lady is thinking "Thank goodness nobody tried to kiss me!".  The Russian is thinking "Fyerst the laydy kyss me, then she hyit me?"  The Frenchman is thinking "At least I got to keess ze lovely lady".  The Pole is thinking "Pity I didn't get to kiss the lady, but at least I got to punch the Russian."

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