capture a whole ham band

Jeff Scaparra jeff at
Sat Apr 13 01:42:54 CDT 2013

I have done a few MHz and recorded it to my raid array with my USRP N210.
If I had faster disks I could theoretically do up to 25 MHz the amount of
data would be quite large however. I have a I/Q sampling recording of 40
meters that is about 30 minutes long and  only 3.5 GB if I remember
correctly. If people are really interested in this I would be happy to put
it up on the web somewhere. I know there is CW and SSB in the recording and
probably some other data modes. I have a pretty crummy antenna but there is
still a lot of good stuff in there. I also have gnuradio companion files
for processing the ssb voice that I could include.

Also a shameless plug I am selling my USRP N210 as I need the money to fund
a KX3 and will be downgrading to a USRP B100. If anyone is interested in
the USRP N210 let me know.


Jeff N6SDR

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Alex Fraser <beatnic at> wrote:

>  Is it possible to capture the entire 20 meter band and record it to disk?
> I mean everything including the noise so if you played it back at a later
> time
> you wouldn't be able to tell it from the real live band.
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