An Internet Kill Switch ?

Phil philmt59 at
Thu Jun 20 09:29:29 CDT 2013

I think this is a misinterpretation of the facts. I think President Obama asked for a switch on his computer, so that he could type in the location of a terrorist (or any citizen), hit the switch, and watch them get killed. Hence "Internet Kill Switch". From what I'd heard, he more-or-less got what he wanted.



On 20 Jun 2013, at 14:40, Bob Bruhns wrote:

> Who makes this stuff up?  The USA could never have had a global internet kill switch anyway.  The way the internet works, all anybody needs is a routing network and name servers (and guess what, they use them every day).
> Oh, the USA flipped their switch?  That just means that a bunch of OC lines from the USA won't work any more.  All of the other ones would still be zipping along.  The US would be cutting off its internet, to spite its detractors.  It would take a coordinated effort of all of our herd-of-cats world governments to make the whole global internet stop working.  Or maybe, if one group MAKES all of the routers, then some Trojan self-destruct could be built in.  That would mess up the internet... for a while.
> But government leaders don't understand that stuff, and either do the usual consumers of news.
> It might be interesting to shut down all public North American internet systems now and then.  We would see how many supposedly super-secure isolated networks actually run through it.  Will the next big super-leak come from an ISP in East Podunk?  What really happened to Flight 800, anyhow?  And who is in Jimmy Hoffa's tomb?
>   Bob, WA3WDR
> On 6/20/2013 3:27 AM, Andre Kesteloot wrote:
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