Appel Stores profit margins

Chip Fetrow tacos at
Wed Aug 7 23:09:35 CDT 2013

The Dollar Stores sell off surplus inventory, sold to them a very deep  

On the other hand, Apple wants profits.

Put the similar objects on either side of the fence, and you are going  
to see different prices.

HOWEVER, who wants to put a HUGE bumper on the edge of a very elegant  

I recently sat a a breakfast with my father.  He was absolutely amazed  
my phone was the same phone as my brother's and initially refused to  
accept it.

I have an iPhone 5.  My brother had an iPhone 5 with a huge bumper  
around it.

I just don't get it.  Why pay extra for a slim phone when one can pay  
much less for a big phone that is harder to hurt?


On Aug 7, 2013, at 6:32 PM, tacos-request at wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:34:34 -0400
> From: Andre Kesteloot <andre.kesteloot at>
> To: Tacos <tacos at>
> Subject: Appel Stores profit margins
> A black plastic "bumper" for the iPhone 4/4s, is sold at the Tyson's
> Corner Apple Store for a mere $29.-
> Today, I purchased, at the "Dollar Store",  --next to the Neighbors
> Restaurant on Cedar Lane in Vienna, VA--  a very similar bumper  
> for ...$1.-
> (Both bumpers are, apparently, made in China)
> 73s
> Andr?

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