Anybody messing with teh new Arduino Yun?

wb4jfi at wb4jfi at
Mon Sep 23 13:55:36 CDT 2013

That's what Mel and I thought.  The Piglet talks TCP/IP, or UDP if you 
enable it, but yes.

I've also been experimenting with control of Arduinos via the WiFly module 
and HTTP with web browsers.  Those plans may be affected, I don't know.

The issue may not be as drastic as it seemed.  But, this is typical Apple. 
If they can throw another roadblock in your way, they are happy to.  To bad 
the Android folks have learned about that same opportunity (er, a: lesson). 
And, with Microsoft acquiring Nokia, there goes another option.  I wonder 
how long it will take for QT to disappear into the Visual Studio morass?
73, Terry, WB4JFI

-----Original Message----- 
From: Bennett Z. Kobb
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 2:39 PM
To: tacos at
Subject: Re: Anybody messing with teh new Arduino Yun?

Terry it would appear that the Piglet is not an HTTP device but a kind
of serial port extender.

The Hamlog is a native app, and not a web browser.

So if I understand your setup correctly, these would not expose the

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