Anybody messing with teh new Arduino Yun?

Mike O'Dell mo at
Tue Sep 24 13:54:30 CDT 2013

re: wifi performance

yeah brother, i hear you. as for the "wifi+TCP in a socket" goobers,
"It's not that the pig sings well, but that the pig sings at all."

that's a big reason i wanted a real CPU with real (ie, known) chips.
i'll do some perf tests and post them when i get it!

i keep seeing all these new boards: your Parallella,
and i saw another board which seems to be a "high-power"
I/O controller board that has a multichannel PWM controller
that knows about driving H-bridges and the like all by itself
so it puts essentially no load on the springhead and it can
do realtime control loops for positioning.

now i remember where i saw it - one of the industry rag web
sites has a listing of "10 3D printers for under a grand each".
some of them are a lot under a grand, but the TANSTAAFL rule
applies to this motley crew in spades.

has anyone done a web page that attempts to just keep track
of all the various "springhead cheapness!" things out there?
that would seem to be damn near a full-time job in and of itself.


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