FW: FOX News: Cops can use radio waves to bring your car to a halt

William Fenn bfenn at cox.net
Thu Jan 2 08:48:46 CST 2014

Ah Ha!  Now there is an excellent project for the Arduino.  It can be the






>On January 1, 2014 Richard Oneill wrote;


 Yep, another bonehead idea that cops will love. Just image the carnage if
one of these things fired off on a crowded high speed multi-lane interstate
Besides, it wouldn't be long before the criminal element adapted the
technology and fired first. What goes around comes around.


On 1/1/2014 3:19 PM, Andre Kesteloot wrote:

I thought you might be interested in this article: Cops can use radio waves
to <http://fxn.ws/1irLJa5>  bring your car to a halt.


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