Frequency Hopper Synchronization

Frank Eliot feliot at
Mon Mar 24 06:36:16 CDT 2014

Jim -
	I like your solution. It might take a bit longer for the initial synchronization, but much easier to perform the frequency sampling, which makes the hardware simpler and doable. The coding logic becomes a bit more complicated, but that is just software!

Frank, W3WAG

On Mar 23, 2014, at 10:01 01PM, James Wolf <jbwolf at> wrote:

> How about this.
> Sample a small number of frequencies and find the noise floor; disregard any
> that appear to have a signal.   Store the average result.  
> Continually sample one frequency (any in the sequence) that initially has no
> signal.
> Once it is found to have a signal (n)dB above the noise level, follow the
> preset sequence and see if all channels have a similar signal level.
> If not, (since it may have an undesired signal), go to the next frequency in
> the sequence and repeat until the sequence is found.
> Jim, KR9U    

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