anyone sourced an odroid u3 yet?

Rob Seastrom rs at
Fri May 2 12:09:15 CDT 2014

Hey Tacoistas,

Has anyone played with an odroid u3 yet?  A couple of my friends in
Europe have 'em.  A little less than 2x the cost of a Raspberry Pi,
with 4x the RAM, 4x the cores, much faster clock...  sure you only get
5 GPIO pins on board unless you buy the expansion shield (vs 17), but
the Pi has always felt a little one-lung to me (example: I have one
that is my backup dns/dhcp server when the virtualized one is down for
service, but when I'm running it I must forgo dnssec validation).

Substantially cheaper than the Cubietruck, a lot more capable than the
Beaglebone Black (though again less I/O)...

Product here:

Comparison by professionals here:

Comparison by children here:

Think I may have to buy myself one.


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