The IBM 1401

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at
Tue Oct 21 22:44:36 CDT 2014

I built a tachometer for my car in the late 1960s 
using a transistor from some surplus 1401 boards 
that were sold with the edge connectors broken off to prevent reuse.
Nan (KB4DAJ) learned to program on one.
There was one system in use in a government 
office I would go to until at least the mid 1980s.

At 09:53 PM 10/21/2014, Andre Kesteloot wrote:
>This article is a brief history of the IBM 1401, a machine that IBM
>sold from 1959 to 1971. You may enjoy some details of the history of
>the transistor:
>Â  Â Â 
>André N4ICK
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