Microsoft opening up .NET

Mike O'Dell mo at
Sun Nov 16 22:16:55 CST 2014

i've always found it was easier to write Java with
a text editor and run the compiler at the command line.
Or, behave like a civilized human and write a Makefile
which puts things right and uses "rcs" to keep track
of revisions. Most of the IDEs work so hard making things
easy that as a result you never actually know WTF is
happening, so when the magic goes away, you are well
and truly screwed.

If you want to learn a language that's really worth the trouble,
learn Go. it's designed by programmers for programmers and
many large things at The GOOG and other places are now written in it.
it's beautiful, simple, garbage collected, and it
compiles *blisteringly* fast.  The project was started by
Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. If you like C, you'll love Go.

"Duck typing - ask for it by name!"


and have run writing code again


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