FW: "Windoz Support"

William Fenn wfenn4 at verizon.net
Thu Dec 11 07:59:29 CST 2014


This little guy has presents for folks who run windoz.  He will ask you to
turn your computer on, go out to a certain web page and get the present that
improves windoz.  Once you get it you can never get rid of it easily.  It's
kinda like those things the military warned us about when we got our first
pass to town while we were in boot camp.

On Friday, October 10, 2014 11:52 PM Chip Fetrow wrote;
Subject: "Windoz Support"

They finally got around to me - twice in one day on the same phone number!
They were both Near East accents, and the Caller ID was not available.  I
hadn't been answering, but I wanted the ringing to stop.  Monday will be two

The first guy was interesting.  I told him (honestly) that I don't have a
single machine running Windoz.  I have several running Unix, one running
Linux, and five running OS X, three OS X.5 and two OS X.9.  He kept asking
if I had ever run Windoz, and I asked why that mattered since I have not run
Windoz for 8 years or more.  I ended up hanging up.

The next call was from someone with an accident so thick he was very
difficult to understand.  He too could not believe that there are people who
don't run Windoz.  He was so hard to communicate with that I didn't bother
to have fun with him and just hung up.  No calls since then.

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