Flashlight APP Questionable

Rob Seastrom rs at seastrom.com
Mon Dec 29 11:40:18 CST 2014

"fgentges at mindspring.com" <fgentges at mindspring.com> writes:

> From FOX Special Report:
> http://www.youtube.com/embed/Q8xz8xKEFvU
> It looks like a real problem with smart phones.

It's a problem with people not checking out what an app is asking for
access to (which is all up there in front of you when you install it,
but who reads that?).  Kind of like the 25 page EULA that says they
can do whatever they want which the guy mentions later in the show.

The Android/Google Play "sure, we'll put your malware in our store -
no prob!"  approach isn't helping.  Something worth keeping in mind
next time a developer friend gripes about how long it takes to get
stuff into the Apple app store.  By the way, iPhones have had the
flashlight functionality built in for years, what's with the Android
folks not catching on?


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