Fwd: Tuesday Tech Net.

Nan and Sandy Sanders radiodog77 at pobox.com
Mon Feb 23 01:40:34 CST 2015

from Hal

>VLF Experimenting
>Tech net this Tuesday will be about long wave antennas for our new 
>long wave project.
>Our last experiments on LF several years back we learned the 
>importance of antennas
>to successful longwave operation at 136khz.   Unlike antennas 
>designed for HF these
>longwave antennas are very large.    I consulted the RSGB Low Frequency
>Experimenter's Handbook, which I found by Googling RSGB and Low 
>Frequency.  This is
>a very valuable reference if you plan to do work on LF or VLF.
>1. Several articles were about antennas that were not miles long and 
>could be built in a small lot.  If you've
>got the room then by all means use your space.   These articles all 
>emphasized that getting the antenna
>AND grounding system right is your key to success at this frequencies.
>2. Noise is a big problem because amateur signals are very 
>weak.  Good advice is to avoid noise
>sources.  If you can't then try phasing them out or null them with a 
>directional receiving antenna. Narrow
>filters are necessary (we found that out last time).   Signal 
>processing technique should help here too.
>3.What kind of rigs should we be focusing on this time around?
>4. We need to read up on what's been done prior with VLF amateur 
>experimenting.  I suggest
>we begin building a common set of  book references,  URL  and other 
>write-ups on the subject.
>Google Docs would be a good place for something like this.
>Tech Net meets at 8PM Tuesday on the Echolink using the W4CIA 
>conference node and on the 21/81 AMRAD repeater
>in the Tyson Corner, Northern Virginia area.   WB5MMB is conference 
>point coordinator and network control.
>NOTICE:  Its been reported that there is noise on our Echolink 
>receiver which we use to link the AMRAD repeater to Echolink.
>If the receiver is still noisey at 8PM Tuesday we may have to use an 
>alternate procedure. Either WB3KDU
>or WB5MMB will be available prior to net time to give instructions 
>on any alternate procedures.

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