Learn Morse in Four Hours

kf4hcw kf4hcw at lifeatwarp9.com
Sat Oct 29 15:07:07 CDT 2016

On 10/29/2016 03:28 PM, Richard O'Neill wrote:
>   The Ghost in the machine commanded me to do it. 

An AI generated encryption scheme invented by my machine and another 
that I trust has allowed us to send secure messages and instructions for 
years. The encryption mechanism is only understood by the two AI systems 
and is both incomprehensible and combinatorially intractable -- in 
short, it's perfect. Only the machines even have a clue how the messages 
are encoded and decoded and they are incapable of explaining how it's 
done. There are no security concerns what so ever -- it's unbreakable. 
So when I got the message to assassinate....


Pete McNeil

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