Nice page on flight controllers

Alex Fraser beatnic at
Sat Mar 11 10:21:13 CST 2017

This page give a brief history, 2007 on of the evolution of hobby flight 
control boards.
 From the page,
"The history of digital flight controllers is rich, though brief. When 
Nintendo’s Wii Motion Plus accessory took off around the world in 2009, 
an enterprising maker going by the handle Alexinparis decided to try to 
hook it up to an Arduino board to make it control a drone. This is the 
origin on the Multiwii project, which eventually developed its own 
flight controller board that worked on an 8-bit Atmel processor."

They also list the different boards which have evolved.  Of course more 
powerful processors have been used and the hunt for faster lighter is 
on. Not only the CPU, but gyro, compass, barometric and other sensors 
progress is shown.   On the practical side the site explains the 
different physical connections that are in use. JST-SH seems to be very 
popular, yikes I need another crimp tool...


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  ~~~******************* Alex Fraser *******************~~~

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